Krodex. You are power, we are solutions
At Krodex Power Solutions we stand by your side to provide you with state of the art solutions that contribute to generating and distributing power.
We consider ourselves an essential part of the energy life cycle. For us there are no unsolvable problems, only challenges to overcome. Our knowledge and experience allows us to offer maximum reliability, contributing to ensure power is supplied in the most efficient manner to cities, companies and people.
Tailor-made solutions
We offer a high degree of technical expertise to find the best solutions adapted to each situation and focused on: solutions involving mechanical equipment, solutions for transformers and solutions for generators.

We know your sector
We have extensive experience providing support and solutions to many different sectors within the energy field. We know your sector as well as your needs.

Discover our products
Flowserve Edward Valves
Highly reliable and robust isolation valves for harsh water and steam applications.
Success stories

Morgan Schaffer Calistos DGA - Iberdrola Generación Giga-battery
Specification of multi-gas dissolved gas monitors (DGA) in the power transformers of the hydro-electric complex of Tâmega (Portugal) owned by Iberdrola Generación.

Flowserve Edward Valves - Repsol Escatrón
Process improvement of the Repsol Escatrón Combined cycle as a result of replacing the isolation valves.

Morgan Schaffer Calistos DGA - Renovables SAMCA
The Samca group increases the reliability of its thermoelectric and photovoltaic plants by installing DGA Calisto monitors.

Sergi Transformer Protector - Heidelberg Cement company
Installation of the Sergi TP anti-explosions system on two power transformers at the Heidelberg cement plant.

Eone Gas Station - Nuclear Plant of Ascó
Renewal of the hydrogen management and monitoring system for the alternators at the nuclear Plant of Ascó.